Enthusiastic Rock Music - by nerds, for everybody. Hell Yeah..
How do you create a style-bending, storytelling celebration of Enthusiasm? Take a show choir reject who was never cool enough for punk rock, throw him a rockabilly axe and have him cash in on all the poetry classes. Take an east coast jazz legend and tell him to lay off the weirder chords and step up the distortion. Take a cosplay nerd and give him +2 Charisma and +5 Vocalwork. Take a civil war reenacting drum geek and sit him down behind a proper kit. And you get total badassery. You get theatricality without pretense. You get virtuosic musicianship somehow stuffed into catchy rock anthems. They might play indie rock, or geek rock, or punk, or 'Theatrepunk' (probably their favorite label), or dirty rock & roll or some fuzzed-up gypsy-jazz-rock (or whatever!) but at the center of that genre hurricane is a technical understanding, a lyrical prowess and an enthusiasm that cannot be denied. Their first album is called "We're Just Really Excited to Be Here". The follow up is called "You're Goddamn Right". These nerds love what they do and they relish the opportunity to celebrate the stuff they love every chance they get. Besides, why settle for writing songs about getting drunk when you can write a song about your drummer being shot into space to defeat Astro-Hitler?
“...Practically revelling in the kind of anthemic, clean-but-charging commercial indie that might as well be arena rock with lots of smiles more than lots of explosions.”
“Music that verges on self-destruction in the most magnificent of ways... beaming with genius. 5 out of 5 stars!”
“Fantastic & intriguing new band with some serious depth and songwriting skill. Expect to hear the name Countless Thousands often.”
“...F***ing incredible.”
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“A real fusion of styles are smashed together brilliantly in the new album by true punk rock poets Countless Thousands. Part Against Me!, part Fugazi, part Dylan, part The Cure with a dash of the Clash and some quirky humour; then you may be getting close to the sound this band have carved out for themselves. Emotional music with its heart dangling off its sleeve, there is a real charm and hopefulness to it all – this is a band who can really write songs. The great victory of Countless Thousands is that they’ve set themselves up as storytellers with songs that can both provoke emotion, laughter, and even political thought. (9 out of 10)”
- Our Kickstarter was 300% Successful
- Theme Song for Unpopular Opinions Podcast with thousands of listens each week
- Winner of Chapman University's Battle of the Bands